3 Top Reasons We Don’t Care for Our Health

Do we exercise regularly, avoid junk food, and eat healthily most of the time, even though we know what is good and what is not good for our health? We really care for our health? Let’s find out the top 3 top reasons we don’t care for our health.

“Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”

 Josh Billings

Do We Believe Health is Wealth?

Life is about choices. Do we always make the right choices, especially for our own health?

Do we truly believe in health being our greatest wealth?

3 Top Reasons We Don’t Care for Our Health

According to an article by Jim Schroeder, Ph.D. A physician from KevinMD.com on November 17, 2017, the top reasons for not caring about our health boils down into firstly not willing to commit to a certain level of discipline and secondly the inability to resist the hedonistic experience of high saturated fatty junk food. Jim states, “For if we go deeper, one of the genuine reasons that we reject our own health and well-being is that we don’t trust that the process will actually lead us to a happier, more satisfying place.”


How many times do we vouch to start our morning or evening jogging starting tomorrow? How many times do we promise that today’s deep-fried food is the last one for a while? Why do we procrastinate? Procrastination may be because of various reasons. First, it could be because of the desire to do something perfectly versus trying to make a start with baby steps (the enemy of the good is perfection). Second, it could be because of getting overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude or complexity of the task at hand. Third, it could be for the fear of failing or not being able to do the task to our perceived best ability. Fourth, it could be because of sheer laziness or not being able to motivate ourselves to take the plunge.

Lack of Discipline

Even if we motivate and push ourselves to take the first step towards a healthy life, we may lack the discipline to do it consistently day in day out. Strong conviction or willingness drives disciple towards making a positive change.

Lack of Belief

How many times do we feel tired after a long day’s work or find it difficult to pull ourselves out of bed to do our daily exercises? Many times we don’t truly believe if we do our exercises, we are actually going to reduce our stress, reduce fatigue, and increase our vigor. Not truly believing health is our biggest wealth.


Caring for our health is in our hands. And to a great extend having a good health depends on us. It starts from truly believing health is our wealth. And after a point, no wealth can buy good health.

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