Why Purpose is Core to Living a Fulfilling Life

Fulfillment in life is a less researched topic. This is because we live in a success driven world. Wherein people define success by money, fame, and status. Therefore, the onus has always been on becoming successful. That is how the environment wires us through our upbringing and thereafter. So, in this process, we don’t learn what fulfillment in life means often. Because we are always chasing something, only to realize much later that they were insignificant, often missing the bigger picture. Something more meaningful which can give us true fulfillment. Since in the rat race, we miss discovering and pursuing our purpose in life. Because purpose is the core to finding fulfillment in life. Thus, in the post, let’s learn about why purpose is core to living a fulfilling life.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

~ Pablo Picasso

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Why Purpose is Core to Living a Fulfilling Life

Photo by MIDHUN GEORGE on Unsplash

Fulfillment and success in life are not the same. Since, often success has a connotation of wealth to it. But that may beg the question: does wealth don’t help achieve fulfillment in life? So let’s try to ask this question differently.

Say you suddenly win a lottery of $5M but on the other side, you earn $5M through your diligence and passion. Of the two, which would provide you with more fulfillment or a sense of achievement? On the other side say you make $1M a year in a highly stressful job, but in the core you hate that job. It’s only the money that you love and keep on toiling, hoping one day you will have $5M that you can retire with. But once you retire with the $5M, would you feel fulfilled that you either lived or living a meaningful? A life that has a purpose? Something that is bigger than that $5M in a broader sense, meaning it can affect the lives of many people?

Purpose is the compass that guides our actions, giving meaning to our existence. It’s the fuel that propels us forward, providing a sense of direction and fulfillment. When we align our actions with a purpose that resonates with our values and aspirations, life gains depth and significance. It fuels our passion, resilience, and determination in the face of challenges. Purpose instills a sense of belonging and contribution, connecting us to something greater than ourselves. It’s the cornerstone of a fulfilling life, shaping our choices, relationships, and legacy, leaving a lasting impact on the world and those around us.

What Traits You Need to Find and Pursue Your Purpose

Then it begs the question: if purpose is so critical to living a fulfilled life, what traits you need to find and pursue your purpose in life? Discovering and pursuing purpose requires self-awareness, curiosity, and openness. Since it demands introspection to understand one’s values, strengths, and desires. Moreso, a willingness to explore and step outside comfort zones is crucial. It also needs resilience that is vital to navigate setbacks and stay committed. Further, empathy helps connect with others and identify where your contributions can make a difference. Then adaptability allows for adjustments as you learn and grow. Building on to it, patience and persistence thereafter sustain the journey. Finally, having an optimistic mindset helps you stay hopeful and motivated to pursue your purpose and prioritize what truly matters to you.


To find and pursue your purpose in life, one of the most critical trait you need is to know yourself. Probably, it is also the most difficult trait to gain. For ages, sages have tried to master this trait, but for most of us, it is the ability to identify what your calling in life is. What is it that gives you genuine contentment and peace of mind? If you don’t need to worry about earning money to make a living, what is it you can do incessantly without feeling tired? Think when you are on your deathbed you can reflect and feel good about the choices you made in life. That you found your calling and could pursue it.

Self-awareness is the compass illuminating one’s purpose journey. Since it unveils passions, strengths, and values, enabling alignment with a fulfilling path. Further helps to recognize desires and motivations, providing clarity, then guiding decisions and pursuits. In addition helps to understand weaknesses and fosters growth strategies. Self-awareness cultivates authenticity, ensuring purpose is genuine and meaningful. Further, it allows for course corrections and adapting to evolving aspirations. Finally, self-awareness fosters understanding oneself leads to purposeful choices in life.


There is an old Chinese saying that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.” Genuine happiness and a sense of fulfillment comes only when your purpose in life is to help others. To live your life for others needs an innate sense of selflessness. The ability to contribute selflessly to the good of others or the masses.

Selflessness is the cornerstone of purpose discovery and fulfillment. By prioritizing others’ well-being and needs, we gain insight into the broader human experience and our role within it. Understanding others’ struggles and aspirations can unveil our unique capacity to contribute meaningfully. Through acts of altruism and empathy, we connect with our true purpose, finding fulfillment in service and giving. Being selfless gives us a purpose and motivates us to make a positive impact on others’ lives and the world.


Then we need the motivation to pursue our calling. Often we are so bogged down by immediate priorities in life that we procrastinate pursuing our calling. It just seems like a herculean task to make a start and then toiling to make progress. The core to the motivation is your unwavering belief in your calling. That it is your true calling, and it is worth pursuing.

Motivation is the engine that propels purpose discovery and pursuit. It ignites curiosity and determination to seek meaning in life. Fueled by passion, it pushes us to explore, learn, and understand our deepest desires and talents. Motivation amplifies resilience, enabling us to overcome obstacles on the path to purpose. It provides the perseverance needed to align actions with our purpose, transforming dreams into tangible goals. When driven by motivation, we embrace challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth. It ultimately sustains our commitment to fulfilling our purpose, driving us forward even when the journey gets tough.


Many time motivation is just not enough. You just need to have to courage to pursue your calling. Because often it comes to sacrificing something else in life. Since pursuing your calling demands your dedicated time. Then it might seem too daunting to take the first step or keep moving. But again on your deathbed, you shouldn’t feel you could never muster the courage to pursue what you believed in the most in your life. At least you can feel contended that you tried.

Courage is the fuel for purpose-driven exploration and realization. It emboldens us to face the unknown, embrace vulnerability, and challenge societal norms. With courage, we venture beyond comfort zones to uncover our true desires and values. It allows us to defy expectations and pursue unconventional paths aligned with our purpose, even in the face of criticism or fear. Finding courage helps us stay committed and overcome obstacles to make a lasting impact on the world.


Finally, the path to pursuing your calling or purpose will be fraught with hurdles and impediments. Often, we may question the veracity of calling and whether it is truly worth it. Languish with self-doubt and despair. But here is when you need your perseverance to keep toiling. It is difficult, but the sense of purpose should help us endure and keep moving.

Perseverance is the steadfast beacon guiding the purpose of discovery and realization. It fuels the relentless pursuit of meaningful goals despite adversity. With perseverance, we endure challenges, setbacks, and doubts, staying committed to uncovering our purpose. It strengthens resolve, enabling us to learn from failures and adjust our course. Perseverance builds resilience, strengthening us, and is more dedicated to our purpose. It helps us turn our dreams into reality by being determined, allowing us to make a lasting impact.

Conclusion on Why Purpose is Core to Living a Fulfilling Life

Finally, to conclude why purpose is core to living a fulfilling life, we need to understand that purpose provides the direction of life. Finding purpose in life is the first step towards self-realization. Thus, without purpose, life can become a rudderless ship. Since purpose serves as life’s guiding compass, steering us towards fulfillment and significance. It offers direction by unveiling our passions, values, and aspirations. We make choices in life that align with our beliefs. It propels us forward, infusing our journey with meaning and determination. By focusing on what matters, our purpose gives our lives meaning and contentment while allowing us to make a lasting impact. It’s the compass that keeps us on course, steering us towards a meaningful and satisfying life.

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