When I enter my workplace every day, I meet a couple of ladies doing their daily work. They are our janitors. I meet a few of them at other times of the day at other places in our workplace. I admire them a lot because they work very hard and do their work sincerely. Besides, […]
Who’s Responsible for Unemployment?
Have you even been unemployed? Or did you struggle to get a job? More so, did you do any job to earn a living even if you didn’t really want to do that job? If you live in countries like the US, where there are a lot of job opportunities available, you may not need […]
Why Our Roots Beckon Us?
If you are an immigrant like me, you might have realized what I am trying to say. Why our roots beckon us? Having lived in India for most of life and a short stint in China, I moved to the US over four years back. When we immigrate to another country, for the immigrants it […]
Pursue Your Calling or Money?
This is one of the greatest questions of all times. Pursue your calling or money? Is your calling and your means for livelihood always the same? Because this is a hard question. As I kid I always wanted to do engineering and work in industry. I am very grateful for everything I got in life. […]
How to Be at Peace with Yourself at Work
Did you ever lose your mind at work? Or lost your peace of mind? Because sometimes at work something flusters us. By fluster, I mean getting agitated or irked by certain comments, behaviors or demands at the workplace. This is not unusual, really. But to keep out balance, we need to learn how to be […]
Why Most People Hate Their Jobs?
Did you know that most people in the world hate their jobs? Gallup’s World Poll says 85% of the workforce worldwide are not engaged at work and hate their work, especially their boss. Does it sound surprising? We spend about one third of our lives at work. Then how can we keep on doing things […]
Why Religious Freedom Matters?
What is religious freedom? As per Wikipedia, freedom of religion or religious liberty is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. It also includes the freedom to change one’s religion or beliefs, “the right not to profess any religion or belief” or “not to practise a […]
Why Think Before You Buy Stuffs?
Does buying stuffs makes you feel happy? Then the question may be how do you define stuffs? Well, it could things that you go buy and bring into your house, mostly. Then, as time goes by, you run out of space in your house and you feel the burning need to buy or rent a […]
How to Learn English in Developing Countries
In developing countries, especially India, learning English is a privilege. Does it sound out of whack? Whilst it might sound like that, it is very much a fact of life. India is the country which houses the second most people in the world living in extreme poverty, that is $1.99 US dollars a day just […]
5 Steps to Find Fulfillment in Life
Do you know what the meaning of the word fulfillment is? Well, fulfillment essentially has two parts to its meaning. First is a sense of happiness or satisfaction. Second is a sense of accomplishment that one would have yearned for. Then the question that arises is why do we care about fulfillment? Does it matter? […]