Let me start with quality education is something that not every child can access in the world today. Because limited resources and funds strain public education systems in underdeveloped and developing countries. So quality education is often not free. But it is also a basic right of any child. In poor countries, parents often have […]
Category: Learning
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
– Albert Einstein

Learning coupled with experiences helps builds our skills. Skills subsequently provide the foundation to earn our livelihoods.
According to Wikipedia “Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, attitudes, and preferences.”
Do You Need to Be a Millionaire to be Happy?
Discover the true meaning of happiness and the value of simplicity in this thought-provoking post. Can being a millionaire guarantee happiness? Let’s find out.
How to Solve India’s Unemployability Problem
Did you know India has an unemployability problem in massive proportion? Unemployability is when the people don’t have the skills needed to be employed. This is a more educated youth’s unemployability problem. In this post, let’s deep dive into India’s unemployability problem and how to solve it. “We need to give importance to skill development […]
What Living in Poverty Teaches You
If you are thinking this post is about idolizing poverty, then you are wrong. Rather, this post is about what living in poverty teaches you. Sounds surprising? Can we even learn anything from living in poverty? Isn’t poverty vicious and we should try to stay away from it as much as possible? If we don’t […]
How to Learn English in Developing Countries
In developing countries, especially India, learning English is a privilege. Does it sound out of whack? Whilst it might sound like that, it is very much a fact of life. India is the country which houses the second most people in the world living in extreme poverty, that is $1.99 US dollars a day just […]
5 Steps to Find Fulfillment in Life
Do you know what the meaning of the word fulfillment is? Well, fulfillment essentially has two parts to its meaning. First is a sense of happiness or satisfaction. Second is a sense of accomplishment that one would have yearned for. Then the question that arises is why do we care about fulfillment? Does it matter? […]
Why I Pursued an MBA?
Recently I watched the Netflix series “Maid” and was very much moved by the story. If you have not seen the series, it’s based on the true story of Stephanie Land. She broke the vicious cycle of poverty and domestic violence to become a writer. They based the Netflix series on her New York Times […]
20 Secrets to Find Fulfillment in Life
What is fulfillment in life? More so, why does it matter? Because we live only one mortal life. We come into this world naked and also depart naked. This segues to if only there were a report card of of life published, it would be a narrative of how we lived our life. That also […]
8 Ways Immigration Improves Quality of Life
According to Wikipedia, “Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life.” Also, quality of life is one or the 10 drivers to find fulfillment in life. Then does immigration provide a better quality of life? Most of the time, this is true. That is the reason people […]
28 Top Skills for Finding Online Freelance Work
With the internet revolution, the world has become more integrated. Therefore, one can find and do work for any other location in the world. This is what the internet enables. And this is where online freelance work comes in. Since hiring freelancers on project or need basis enables companies to keep their overheads low. So […]