With the internet revolution, the world has become more integrated. Therefore, one can find and do work for any other location in the world. This is what the internet enables. And this is where online freelance work comes in. Since hiring freelancers on project or need basis enables companies to keep their overheads low. So […]
Category: Livelihood
“It is more important to find out what you are giving to society than to ask what is the right means of livelihood.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti

Livelihood is the monetization of our skills to earn the necessities of our life.
According to Wikipedia “Livelihood is defined as a set of activities essential to everyday life that are conducted over one’s life span.”
12 Ways to Find Your Passion in Life
Do you have a passion to live for? If so, what is your passion in life? Also, do we need to have a passion in life? So if we try to ask it differently. What is it we truly love to do? What is it that if you keep doing what you don’t keep track […]
Is Minimalism a Solution for Sustainability?
I exist because WE exist. Do you agree with this? If so, the question is also, is this our world versus my world? By our world, I mean the world that nature has created for all living beings. A world that we sustain for the future generations. So is it not our duty to make […]
6 Top Ways To Find Employment
Why do we have so much unemployment? What are the top reasons for unemployment in the world? What are the top ways to find employment? To begin with, we ask these questions repeatedly. And they are evergreen questions. Then do we have answers to these questions? Let’s try to find out the 6 top ways […]
How Much Money You Need to Live a Fulfilled Life?
How much money do you need to live a fulfilled life? This is a loaded question. What do you think? So answering the question you may say it depends on how we define fulfilled life. Fulfillment in life is about realizing one’s fullest potential. There are essentially 10 drivers to find fulfillment in life. Can […]
How to Lead a Minimalist Life
What is minimalism? Minimalism is living with the bare minimum that you really need. It also means buying what you need. And keeping what you really value. So why to live a minimalist? Don’t we get happy buying stuffs? How would you feel when you buy a brand new sports car? Ecstatic? Correct? Is it […]
6 Conditions for Happiness Even Being Poor
Happiness is a state of mind. So, can we measure happiness? Then how is happiness measured? The World Happiness Report 2020 defines the happiness index. There are 15 top countries which have the highest happiness index. So if you live in a poor country with a low happiness index, can you still be happy? Could you […]
9 Ways to Find Fulfillment at Work
Well, we work to earn our livelihood. Then why do we need fulfillment at work? We work for a significant portion of our life. Work for most of us is like our second home. And many times work and life integrate. Rather than work-life-balance. So, finding fulfillment at work is synonymous with finding fulfillment in […]
5 Top Reasons for Unemployment in the World
Unemployment is a drag on the global economy. What are the top reasons for unemployment in the world? Let’s find out 5 top reasons for unemployment in the world. “No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. Morally, it is the greatest […]
15 Top Happiness Index Countries
Can we measure happiness? Did you know there is a measure of happiness called the Happiness Index? How is happiness measured? What are the criteria for measuring happiness? Which countries have the highest happiness index? In this post, I will share 15 top countries with the highest happiness index. And share the criteria for happiness […]