There is a meditation practice in Buddhism named Maranasati, which means the mindfulness or awareness of death. Death is the ultimate truth, although we shirk away from contemplating about it. We come into this world naked and leave naked. Only our true self, our soul, is eternal. We keep on cladding our true self with […]
Category: Self-Actualization
“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
– Ramana Maharshi

Self actualization is the realization of one’s fullest potential. Achieving our fullest potential is a journey. And this is the journey we undertake throughout our lives. It is the highest human need as defined in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. So when we are in our death beds this is what most people look back and ask: did we achieve our full potential in our lives? Did we live a fulfilling life? Did we follow our calling in life? And did we make any impact on the world or leave a legacy? Or just did we do all our duties sincerely with our family as son or daughter, siblings, spouse, parents or grandparents? Many also relate self-actualization to finding the ultimate truth of life or finding god.
Pursue Success or Fulfillment in Life
In this success driven world, for many, it is difficult to even fathom the difference between success and fulfillment. Do you understand the difference between them? It’s okay if you don’t because it’s not that straightforward. Now let’s try to understand what we usually mean by success. Often what we mean by success is money, […]
5 Ways to Break-free from the Poverty Mindset
Learn how to break free from the poverty mindset and unlock your full potential. Explore 5 ways to overcome limiting beliefs and achieve financial success.
6 Ways to Handle a Midlife Crisis with Optimism
Looking for inspiration during a midlife crisis? Here are six ways to embrace change with a positive attitude. Visit Finding Fulfillment in Life for tips and resources on achieving happiness and satisfaction.
3 Reasons Americans Stress Over Money
America is one of the richest countries in the world. But why then do most Americans stress over money? The Americans have a decent to great quality of life. But still their wants are incessant. Does it sound absurd? It’s true. In America, there is an American dream. And somehow the American dream has gotten […]
Why You Need to Find Time to Serve Others?
In our super busy lives, when we don’t get time for ourselves, does it make sense to find time to serve others? Are you among those who work full time and then need to find time for everything else? Be it time for family and friends or time to go to the gym. Moreso, if […]
What Living in Poverty Teaches You
If you are thinking this post is about idolizing poverty, then you are wrong. Rather, this post is about what living in poverty teaches you. Sounds surprising? Can we even learn anything from living in poverty? Isn’t poverty vicious and we should try to stay away from it as much as possible? If we don’t […]
Can We Go Back to Our Roots?
Can we go back to our roots? I am an immigrant to the United States. Moved here to the states about five years back from India after a short stint of two years in China. Although I am a permanent resident here with a green card, but often I brood over the thought of moving […]
How to Break the Circle of Money
Just as we have the circle of life, there is also a circle of money. So what do I mean by circle of money? The circle of money is the vicious cycle of living to earn money so that we can live our life the way we want. It might sound complicated. So let me […]
Pursue Your Calling or Money?
This is one of the greatest questions of all times. Pursue your calling or money? Is your calling and your means for livelihood always the same? Because this is a hard question. As I kid I always wanted to do engineering and work in industry. I am very grateful for everything I got in life. […]