What is religious freedom? As per Wikipedia, freedom of religion or religious liberty is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. It also includes the freedom to change one’s religion or beliefs, “the right not to profess any religion or belief” or “not to practise a […]
Category: Self-Actualization
“Your own Self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world.”
– Ramana Maharshi

Self actualization is the realization of one’s fullest potential. Achieving our fullest potential is a journey. And this is the journey we undertake throughout our lives. It is the highest human need as defined in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. So when we are in our death beds this is what most people look back and ask: did we achieve our full potential in our lives? Did we live a fulfilling life? Did we follow our calling in life? And did we make any impact on the world or leave a legacy? Or just did we do all our duties sincerely with our family as son or daughter, siblings, spouse, parents or grandparents? Many also relate self-actualization to finding the ultimate truth of life or finding god.
5 Steps to Find Fulfillment in Life
Do you know what the meaning of the word fulfillment is? Well, fulfillment essentially has two parts to its meaning. First is a sense of happiness or satisfaction. Second is a sense of accomplishment that one would have yearned for. Then the question that arises is why do we care about fulfillment? Does it matter? […]
Why I Pursued an MBA?
Recently I watched the Netflix series “Maid” and was very much moved by the story. If you have not seen the series, it’s based on the true story of Stephanie Land. She broke the vicious cycle of poverty and domestic violence to become a writer. They based the Netflix series on her New York Times […]
20 Secrets to Find Fulfillment in Life
What is fulfillment in life? More so, why does it matter? Because we live only one mortal life. We come into this world naked and also depart naked. This segues to if only there were a report card of of life published, it would be a narrative of how we lived our life. That also […]
9 Ways to Find Peace During Unsettling Times
Covid-19 pandemic has been testing humankind for over a year now. And it is still rampaging with increased ferocity in many parts of the world, especially India. With so many people is distraught, it is hell. To make matters worse, there are not enough hospital beds and oxygen to save lives. As a result, people […]
3 Top Ways to Give Back to Community
This is a topic that is very dear to my heart. We live in a materialistic world. Would you agree? Don’t we need more than we have? Don’t we try to get more and more from the world? We also live in a competitive world. Don’t we try to get it before others? Then how […]
10 Drivers For Finding Fulfillment in Life
Did you know what are the drivers to find fulfillment in life? Learn more about the 10 drivers for finding fulfillment in life. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the foundation of this post. This post aims to help readers navigate through the hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 […]