20 Secrets to Find Fulfillment in Life

20 Secrets to Find Fulfillment in Life

What is fulfillment in life? More so, why does it matter? Because we live only one mortal life. We come into this world naked and also depart naked. This segues to if only there were a report card of of life published, it would be a narrative of how we lived our life. That also […]

Why Freedom of Speech Affects Quality of Life?

Why Freedom of Speech Affects Quality of Life?

Let’s start by saying not everyone in the world has freedom of speech. Does it sound astonishing? Living in western countries, one may not sometimes fully appreciate the freedom we have. The right to say what we feel and live the life the way we want to live. This freedom of speech is key to […]

9 Ways to Find Peace During Unsettling Times

9 Ways to Find Peace During Unsettling Times

Covid-19 pandemic has been testing humankind for over a year now. And it is still rampaging with increased ferocity in many parts of the world, especially India. With so many people is distraught, it is hell. To make matters worse, there are not enough hospital beds and oxygen to save lives. As a result, people […]

8 Ways Immigration Improves Quality of Life

8 Ways Immigration Improves Quality of Life

According to Wikipedia, “Quality of life (QOL) is the general well-being of individuals and societies, outlining negative and positive features of life.” Also, quality of life is one or the 10 drivers to find fulfillment in life. Then does immigration provide a better quality of life? Most of the time, this is true. That is the reason people […]

7 Ways to Declutter and Lead a Simple Life

7 Ways to Declutter and Lead a Simple Life

We come into this world with no belongings, and we will also leave, taking nothing with us. Then why do we keep on hankering for more and more? Confucius quoted, “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” Let’s think about it. We start with a simple life, and then we keep […]

28 Top Skills for Finding Online Freelance Work

28 Top Skills for Finding Online Freelance Work

With the internet revolution, the world has become more integrated. Therefore, one can find and do work for any other location in the world. This is what the internet enables. And this is where online freelance work comes in. Since hiring freelancers on project or need basis enables companies to keep their overheads low. So […]