Are you an educated and/or skilled person in any work-stream struggling to earn a livelihood? Do you have a regular job at the moment? Or are you working 9-5 and looking for a side hustle for some additional income? Well, you are in the right place. In this post, I’ll share 12 best places to […]
How to Immigrate to Canada for Work
Are you exploring to immigrate to another country for job opportunities and quality of life? If so, consider Canada. In this post, I will share how to immigrate to Canada for work. Contents1 Why Choose Canada?2 Study2.1 Why the study is the best way to immigrate for work?2.2 Study Permit3 Work3.1 Temporary Work Permit3.1.1 Employer-Specific […]
How to Immigrate to the United Kingdom for Work
Are you considering moving to another country for work? Did you know the United Kingdom is the top job destination for job opportunities in the world? In this post, I will share how to immigrate to the United Kingdom for work. Contents1 Why Choose the United Kingdom?2 Study2.1 Why the study is the best way […]
How to Immigrate to Germany for Work
If you are looking to immigrate to another country with ample job opportunities and exceptional quality of life, why not consider Germany? In this post, I will share how to immigrate to Germany for work. Contents1 Why Choose Germany?1.1 Top Job Opportunities1.2 Top Overall Country for Living1.3 Top Quality of Life1.4 Robust Economy1.5 New Immigration […]
10 Drivers For Finding Fulfillment in Life
Did you know what are the drivers to find fulfillment in life? Learn more about the 10 drivers for finding fulfillment in life. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the foundation of this post. This post aims to help readers navigate through the hierarchy of needs. Abraham Maslow proposed a hierarchy of needs in his 1943 […]
10 Top Reasons to Visit India
Have you ever been to India? If so, what was your first reaction? India is a land of jaw dropping awe. The mystique land of the far east, also known as the jewel of the east. Stay tuned. In this post, I will cover 10 top reasons for visiting India. Contents1 India Travel Background2 India […]
Why Frugality Makes Sense?
Did you know why frugality makes sense? How frugality can help us find our purpose in life? And improve our quality of life? In this post, I will share why frugality makes sense? “Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and yet one that we are culturally cut […]
5 Top Secrets for Long-Lasting Relationship
Relationship is one of the 10 drivers for finding fulfillment in life. Robert Waldinger, director of a 75-year-extensive study of adult development, concluded that the most critical contributor to living a fulfilled life is strong relationships. He shared in TED Ideas worth spreading, “What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you […]
3 Top Reasons We Don’t Care for Our Health
Do we exercise regularly, avoid junk food, and eat healthily most of the time, even though we know what is good and what is not good for our health? We really care for our health? Let’s find out the top 3 top reasons we don’t care for our health. “Health is like money, we never […]
7 Reasons People Don’t Find Purpose in Life
What is the purpose of life? The purpose is the direction of life. Finding purpose in life helps with self-realization. So, without purpose, life can become a rudderless ship. Purpose is one of the 10 drivers for finding fulfillment in life. In this post, I will share 7 reasons people don’t find a purpose in […]