Why You Need to Find Time to Serve Others?

In our super busy lives, when we don’t get time for ourselves, does it make sense to find time to serve others? Are you among those who work full time and then need to find time for everything else? Be it time for family and friends or time to go to the gym. Moreso, if you are pursuing higher studies, juggling between work, family and staying fit, how is that going? Then would you even contemplate finding time for service to others? It is tough. Isn’t it? But in this post lets deep dive into why you need to find time to serve others no matter what your time schedule looks.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

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Why Serve Others?

Why Serve Others?
Photo by Sue Carroll on Unsplash

So you might ask, given everything going in our lives, why the heck do we need to serve others? Don’t we have enough of our problems to solve? Then why get into the business of meddling with other’s problems and help them? Or even try to understand other’s problems, let alone helping or serving them? Because the simple reason of why you need to serve others is to help yourself.

Solve Our Own Problems

How Serving Others Can Solve Our Own Problems
Image by billy cedeno from Pixabay

Did you ever imagine that by trying to help others, you can solve your own problems? If you think about it, once you start even seeing other’s problems, you will start belittling your own problems. Because life is often tough for many people. Since often we don’t fathom what sort of hardships people go through in this world.

Did you know there are about 611 million people in the world living in extreme poverty per world poverty clock on September 22, 2022? That is living on less than USD 1.9 a day. Of all the countries in the world, the top three countries with the highest absolute number of people living in extreme poverty being Nigeria at 70 million, Republic of Congo at 68 million and India at 51 million. Thus, if you have not faced or seen poverty, it might be difficult to fathom how people can even live on such meager earnings. Then are your problems bigger than that of those living in extreme poverty?

611 million people in the world living in extreme poverty
Source: World Poverty Clock

Find Inner Peace

Are you the person who is busy grinding in the daily rut? Working to meet ends meet? Then struggling to meet family time commitments or even time for self-development? In that case, how do you find your inner peace? Inner peace is something we get from a sense of fulfillment and deep satisfaction. In today’s world, where our wants much exceed our needs, we are always hankering for more and more. Since we are so much self-centered and focused to meet our never ending wants, who has the time for thinking about others? Is the purpose of our life only to consume incessantly scarce resources, even if we have the means to do so? Because we can find our inner peace if we can think about others and serve. Otherwise, it’s all about your wants and your rat race.

Find Your Purpose in Life

That leads us to what is your purpose in life? Is it only to make your ends meet or make a horde of money to buy stuffs for instant gratification? If those are the purpose of your life, you will stay busy and might not find time to pause. Because when we pause we can think.

What is the purpose of our lives? Do you know your calling? Something that we excel at or love to do. Doing which we cannot keep track of time or don’t tire of. Something that is not work but our passion. That we can spend most of our time doing if we don’t have to worry about making money to meet our needs. Do you have one? If so, how does that passion have a purpose? Something that is bigger than you. Can touch lives of others either in your community or the entire world.

Why Find Time to Serve Others?

So we get to the question of why you need to find time to serve others? Time is most precious. We just never have enough. Then why find time for others to serve if we are not getting anything back? This is where the buck stops. Why and how to give time for the service of others?

Imagine you are on your deathbed, and you reflect on your life. What would you repent of not doing? It could regret of not spending enough time with your near ones. Or it could you not pursuing your dream to make a difference in this world. For not pursuing your calling, even if you were fortunate enough to find it. Something that is bigger than life and will live far beyond mortal your life.

What is that thing that will make you live when you are no more? It is your selfless service that will live forever. Something that people will cherish, you having given them that changed their lives. Then is it worth finding the time from your busy schedule to pursue that service?

How to Find Time to Serve Others?

Now the question might be we are so busy that we just cannot find that time. It gets back to whether we want to pursue our calling to make a difference in other people’s lives? If we truly believe in it, we will find out time. It is just a matter of how strong is our conviction. We prioritize our time based on what we value most in our lives. If we value serving others, we will find time for it. No matter what.

What You Get Back by Serving Others?

What You Get Back by Serving Others?
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

But then the overarching question is always what you get back from serving others? Do we really believe in lifting others we rise? I believe when we serve others, we can help ourselves find inner peace and a deep sense of fulfillment in life. Rise is not money gains; but more so, it is our spiritual gain. Then the question is how much you value rising spiritually?

Spiritualism is the nourishment of our minds and our souls. To maintain a balance in our lives, we need to nourish our inner self. And service to others is the way to derive that inner peace and nourishment that helps find our fulfillment in life. Fulfillment in life is more than success, fame, or money. It is the deep sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from finding the meaning to our lives. Something that we get from pursuing our calling or purpose in life.

Conclusion on Why You Need to Find Time to Serve Others?

So finally, why do you need to find time to serve others? The answer to that question lies within ourselves. Because it is on us to introspect and reflect on the meaning of our lives. What is it we can do to serve others that can make a difference i their lives? There are so much less fortunate people in the world compared to us. Much underprivileged. That we would be so much grateful for. If we think about their miseries, our problems will look minuscule. It is also part of paying back our gratitude. There is always something we can do. It could be as simple as writing a blog post like this one. Something to consider.

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