3 Reasons Americans Stress Over Money

3 Reasons Americans Stress Over Money

America is one of the richest countries in the world. But why then do most Americans stress over money? The Americans have a decent to great quality of life. But still their wants are incessant. Does it sound absurd? It’s true. In America, there is an American dream. And somehow the American dream has gotten […]

How to Solve India’s Unemployability Problem

How to Solve India’s Unemployability Problem

Did you know India has an unemployability problem in massive proportion? Unemployability is when the people don’t have the skills needed to be employed. This is a more educated youth’s unemployability problem. In this post, let’s deep dive into India’s unemployability problem and how to solve it. “We need to give importance to skill development […]

Why You Need to Find Time to Serve Others?

Why You Need to Find Time to Serve Others?

In our super busy lives, when we don’t get time for ourselves, does it make sense to find time to serve others? Are you among those who work full time and then need to find time for everything else? Be it time for family and friends or time to go to the gym. Moreso, if […]

What Living in Poverty Teaches You

What Living in Poverty Teaches You

If you are thinking this post is about idolizing poverty, then you are wrong. Rather, this post is about what living in poverty teaches you. Sounds surprising? Can we even learn anything from living in poverty? Isn’t poverty vicious and we should try to stay away from it as much as possible? If we don’t […]

How Greed for Money Stems from Materialism

How Greed for Money Stems from Materialism

What is the connection between greed for money and materialism? In this post, let’s discuss how greed for money stems from materialism. Why are so many people so greedy for money? As if the money that they amass they will carry it with them to heaven or hell. Sound this sound familiar? Because most of […]