Discover why we become slaves to our wants and the repercussions of excessive consumerism. Explore the impact of materialism in this insightful post.
Tag: Purpose in Life
Can We Go Back to Our Roots?
Can we go back to our roots? I am an immigrant to the United States. Moved here to the states about five years back from India after a short stint of two years in China. Although I am a permanent resident here with a green card, but often I brood over the thought of moving […]
How Greed for Money Stems from Materialism
What is the connection between greed for money and materialism? In this post, let’s discuss how greed for money stems from materialism. Why are so many people so greedy for money? As if the money that they amass they will carry it with them to heaven or hell. Sound this sound familiar? Because most of […]
How to Break the Circle of Money
Just as we have the circle of life, there is also a circle of money. So what do I mean by circle of money? The circle of money is the vicious cycle of living to earn money so that we can live our life the way we want. It might sound complicated. So let me […]
Why You Need a Work Outside of Day Work?
Do you work full time? If so, how does it feel like working over 40-50 hours a week and get to the weekend? Isn’t is common for most to greet Fridays as “Happy Friday” and for some Thursdays as “Happy Friday Eve”? Why is it so that most yearn for the weekend so desperately? For […]
Pursue Your Calling or Money?
This is one of the greatest questions of all times. Pursue your calling or money? Is your calling and your means for livelihood always the same? Because this is a hard question. As I kid I always wanted to do engineering and work in industry. I am very grateful for everything I got in life. […]
5 Steps to Find Fulfillment in Life
Do you know what the meaning of the word fulfillment is? Well, fulfillment essentially has two parts to its meaning. First is a sense of happiness or satisfaction. Second is a sense of accomplishment that one would have yearned for. Then the question that arises is why do we care about fulfillment? Does it matter? […]
8 Ways to Love Your Work
Do you know we spend about one third of our lives at work? That is around a whopping 90,000 hours! Then the question is, do you love doing what you are doing for about one third of your life? Simply said, do you love your work? Work life balance is important, more so with the […]
5 Ways to Find Purpose in Work
We spend about 90,000 hours of our lives at work, which is about one third of our life. Did it ever come across your mind why we do what we do for work? Is work only a means to earn a living? Is it because it provides us the best money for our skills and […]
Why I Pursued an MBA?
Recently I watched the Netflix series “Maid” and was very much moved by the story. If you have not seen the series, it’s based on the true story of Stephanie Land. She broke the vicious cycle of poverty and domestic violence to become a writer. They based the Netflix series on her New York Times […]